#16 – Near-Death Experience

This morbid puzzle begins in your first main phase, and asks you to win this turn.


 Player: 1 Life
 Field: Arrogant Wurm, Gorgon Recluse
 Lands: Swamp x3, Forest x4
 Hand: Carrion Feeder, Faerie Macabre, Doom Blade, Rite of Consumption, Dark Dabbling
 Library: Gurmag Angler
 Opponent: 6 Life
 Field: Stinkweed Imp w/ Demonic Appetite

Be aware! This puzzle has a trick to it that’s easy to overlook. If you think you have the answer, you should review the following hint before checking the solution.




Stinkweed Imp doesn’t have deathtouch – its ability is triggered. If your creature tangles with it in combat, it will be destroyed twice. Once by the damage, and once by the trigger.


1. Attack with both creatures. Opponent’s best block is Wurm.
2. Dark Dabbling the Wurm, drawing Angler.
3. Before damage is dealt, Doom Blade the Wurm. It regenerates and gets removed from combat. Opponent goes to 4.
4. MP2 Rite of Consumption sacrificing the Wurm to deal 4 to your opponent.



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